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Thousands of years ago, the ancient Egyptians couldn’t get enough pomegranates. They drank the juice as a health tonic to treat stomach illnesses and give their bodies strength. They crushed the blossoms and peels to make dye.
Pomegranates were so important to their culture that when King Tut died in 1323 BC, a pomegranate vase was buried alongside him so he could bring the precious fruit to the afterlife.

We think the Egyptians were pretty smart for appreciating the health benefits of pomegranates, and we’re happy to share the heart-healthy fruit with you.
Our newest flavor of NADI Rosehip Drink features a blend of pomegranate juice that is deliciously tart and has all the Vitamin C you need for the entire day. It’s all-natural and has just 20 calories per bottle.
This ancient fruit has been shown to reduce inflammation, improve heart health, enhance memory and decrease hypertension. Pomegranates are one of the best natural sources of Vitamin C, Vitamin K, folate, antioxidants, polyphenols, and other beneficial compounds that reduce the damage caused by free radicals that are linked to cancer.

Technically classified as a berry, pomegranates grow on shrubs and when they are mature and ready to be harvested, they are about the same size and color as a red apple. The outer skin is thick and tough to protect hundreds of juice-filled seeds called arils inside.

When eaten whole, the seeds contain lots of fiber and protein, and they can be pressed for juice that is rich in essential vitamins and minerals.
We hope you enjoy this delicious blend of pomegranate and NADI rosehip drink, which combines the vitamins and minerals of two powerful fruits that will help strengthen your immune system and keep you healthy. You can buy some here.

Here’s a fun way to try NADI Rosehip Pomegranate:

Rosehip Pomegranate Gimlet

1 ½  cups of vodka

1 cup of freshly squeezed lime juice (from 6-8 limes)

1 ½  cups of NADI Rosehip Pomegranate

½ cup simple syrup

Thin slices of lime for garnish

Make the simple syrup by boiling ½ cup of sugar with a few tablespoons of water until granules are dissolved. Set aside to cool. Juice the limes. Combine all ingredients in a cocktail shaker filled with ice and shake vigorously for 20 seconds. Strain into chilled martini glasses and garnish with a slice of lime. Makes four cocktails.