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Happy Hearts Apple Chips, Golden Delicious (6 pack)


Only One Ingredient – All-Natural Golden Delicious Apples

All natural, never baked, cooked or fried. A fiber-full snack that keeps you satisfied. NADI Apple Chips are inspired by Old World Georgian methods of naturally preserving freshly harvested fruit that retain fruit’s nutrients and flavors.


  • Only One Ingredient - All Natural Apples
  • NO Added Sugars
  • Only 90 Calories per bag 
  • Fat-free
  • Great source of fiber
  • Gluten-free 
  • Vegan

    100 calories per bag icon-NADI Apple Chips only have 100 calories per bag and no added sugarNo added sugar icon - Organic Rosehip Drinks and Apple Chips have no added sugarFat Free icon-NADI Golden, Ida Red & Granny Smith dried Apple Chips are never baked or friedNatural icon- NADI healthy Apple Chips are made with only one ingredient all natural non GMO Apples

    Fiber icon-NADI Golden, Ida Red and Granny Smith Apple Chips are a great source of fiber and potassiumVegan Icon - Rosehip Juices and Apple chipsGluten Free icon-NADI Rosehip Drinks and Happy Hearts Apple Chips

    2021 Dried Fruit of the Year by Mindful Awards

    2021 NEXTY Finalist of New Hope 

    2020 Stacy's Rise Project Winner by PepsiCo.

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    Happy Hearts Apple Chips, Golden Delicious (6 pack)
