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Many younger workers value making a positive impact as highly as they value compensation and career advancement, and this shift is spurring more companies to embrace social entrepreneurship.

In surveys, 94% of Millennials say they want to use their skills, talents and experiences to advance social causes and other societal improvements that are important to them, according to the Society for Human Resources Management.

Nearly 60% of Millennials say they wish their employers had more service days or allowed them to take paid time off to volunteer or work on community projects, and about half of them had done volunteer work on their own in the past month.

Corporate giving is on the rise, with almost $21 billion given in 2017, an 8% increase from the previous year, according to data by Non Profit Source.

Can capitalism and community improvement be combined as a force for good? Absolutely!

More companies are devoting time, money, man hours, equipment and other resources to support and strengthen their local communities or underserved populations.

NADI is one of them.

We founded NADI as a social venture, with a mission to create jobs and economic opportunities for refugees in the country of Georgia who were displaced by regional conflicts.

We hire refugees to hand-harvest our rosehip berries from bushes in the forests of the Caucasus Mountains, and this provides steady income so they can support their families and rebuild their lives.

Every bottle of NADI that we sell gives us more capital to re-invest in our operations and our people so we can help these families gain economic mobility and strengthen their local communities.